Knowledge Is Power

Going Beyond Medicine™ with Corschika Hart
Community-Based Nurse Practitioner, New Orleans

Like many who enter the healthcare field, Corschika Hart was born with the desire “to make people better.” She watched many of her family members perish from a lack of knowledge, so she was determined to keep that from happening. Consequently, she was drawn to teaching and making her community healthier.

Corschika came to AbsoluteCare because of the lengths we go to assist our members, “from buying groceries, to assisting with housing and helping obtain lost IDs and birth certificates.” Ultimately, she says, she was attracted to the resources we had for helping unhoused members. “When I took my tour of the center during the interview process, it was the member’s lounge, the showers, and the food available to help those on the streets get some rest and relief.” She knew AbsoluteCare was the place for her.

“It’s never a dull moment,” she says. “I love my members, and I love our team. Also, minority representation in healthcare is extremely important. I truly feel like it’s important to have workers who look like the people in the communities they serve.” And it’s true. Members are more inclined to be comfortable and receptive to healthcare professionals that share their background.

It’s also important for the healthcare system as a whole to embrace mobility. “Mobile clinics and community care help us to meet people where they are and educate them so they become health literate.”

As a leader, Corschika exemplifies flexibility. “Sometimes we have to just go with the flow. Things won’t always go as planned, and we have to learn to adapt to change.”

She has two mottos: “Each one teach one” and “Knowledge is power.” “I truly feel that when we know better, we do better, and it takes all of us to work together to ensure no one is left behind.”